A Village in Himachal Pradesh

 12 Things to Do in Malana – A Village in Himachal Pradesh to Discover in 2022

Malana, a former Indian village in Himachal Pradesh, is cut off from the rest of the world. The rest of the world only cares about Malana because she grows the best charas in the world. Malana has its own way of life and social structure and people strictly follow their customs. Here are Malana's 10 secrets (above) that aren't known to outsiders.

1) Malana Cream - Grow the best marijuana in the world

Known mainly for its charas, Malana attracts many people from all over the world for its quality hash. Malana Cream has twice won the title of Best Hash at High Times Magazine's Cannabis Cup, in 1994 and 1996.

2) One of the oldest democracies in the world

The city government is democratic and locals believe it is the oldest republic in the world. The entire village is governed by a council consisting of eleven members, who represent their powerful deity Jamblu Devta. Your decision is final in all disputes and no outside authority is ever required. Therefore, Malana was also called the Athens of the Himalayas.

3) Kanashi - Sacred Language and foreigners cannot speak

The story goes like this: An ancient saint named Rishi Jamdagni (father of Lord Parashurama), after making great tapasya, liberated people from demons (rakshas) and the only last wish they asked was that their language be spoken . The tradition continues. Kanashi is considered one of the secrets of the village and cannot be used for communication by outsiders.

4) Police intervention is generally not taken into account

The villagers settle their disputes through their council. Police intervention is not strictly considered. However, few residents have approached the Kullu Police Department in recent times to resolve land disputes.

5) Conflicts are resolved by poisoning the lambs

Villagers resolve disputes by poisoning lambs. The party that loses its lamb first is said to lose the conflict.

6) Untouchability is still practiced in Malana

The Malana people regard all non-Malani as inferior and therefore untouchable. Visitors to the town of Malana should take special care to follow the prescribed paths and not touch any of the walls, houses or people within. In this case, visitors must pay a confiscated sum that covers the sacrificial killing of a lamb to cleanse the defiled object.

7) Two story houses

Malana houses are two-story, and each floor has a specific name and purpose. The ground floor is used as a cattle shed and where firewood and fodder for sheep and goats are stored. On the first floor, food and wood are stored and woolen cloth is woven. The top floor with a hanging balcony is the accommodation.

8) Preserve your ecological heritage

According to the rules of the village, it is forbidden to hammer nails into a tree and make fire in the forest of Malana. Only dry twigs and branches may be removed from the forest. Hunting is not permitted without permission from the municipal council.

9) Divorces are also not uncommon

Marriage is a simple affair with no priest or ritual. Locals call it the Rakshasi Wedding. The bride follows the groom in his house. In case of divorce, the man must arrange a separate house, food, etc. for daughter Divorced women and widows can remarry. Polygamy is legal for men.

10) Descendants of Greek soldiers from Alexander's army

There are several legends surrounding its origin. According to one of them, they are descendants of Greek soldiers from Alexander's army. According to legend, some soldiers took refuge in this remote country after Alexander left and settled there permanently.

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