Top 5 Absolute Best Places to Visit in India
There are so many amazing places in India that the hardest part of planning a trip here is often figuring out where to go and deciding which places in India you just can't miss. It's no easy task in this vast, diverse country. Having traversed this vast country many times over the years, I have created an article with only the best things to do in India to make it easier for you!

India offers a life of adventure and one of the best things about India and something that keeps travelers coming back for more is the diversity of this amazing country - from bustling cities to ancient temples, palaces and forts, from the desert to the snow of the peaks of the mighty Himalayas to the tropical beaches and backwaters of Kerala.

There are simply hundreds of places to visit in India, but the one thing that remains the same, wherever you are in India, you can be sure that you will embark on an adventure that is filled with colour Infused with vibrancy, spirit and life, warmth is the incredible Indian hospitality that makes travel here so captivating and unforgettable.
With so much to offer it's hard to decide which are the best places to visit in India, so I've narrowed it down to 5 of the most popular and iconic places in India that you'd love to miss. These destinations are perfect for your first holiday in India as they allow you to tick off famous landmarks and places in India while giving you an exciting insight into India's rich culture and heritage.

Top 5 Places to Visit in India:

Taj Mahal in Agra

The golden triangle

The golden triangle includes Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. The destinations that make up the Golden Triangle are not far apart from each other but contain some of the most famous and recognizable sights in all of India, making the Golden Triangle one of the must-see places in India.

You can see the best of the Golden Triangle in just a few days, starting with the capital, Delhi, a fascinating and vibrant modern city dotted with important historical relics from empires past. Then the city of Agra is home to the most beautiful building in the world - the unmissable Taj Mahal and finally "the pink city" Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan, India's most extravagant state, and home to ornate palaces, colorful bazaars and towering fortresses.

While the Golden Triangle contains many attractions and places to visit in India, these cities can be a little overwhelming for a first-time visitor to India, but luckily there are many great Golden Triangle tours to choose from to get your head around to solve. of your journey and allow you to enjoy these spectacular places.

Sunset at the gorgeous Golden Temple in Amritsar
River Ganges in Varanasi


There are many spiritual places in India and if you want to learn more about India's rich culture, spirituality and religion then Varanasi is a must stop on any Indian adventure. India has always attracted spiritual seekers and the holiest site in India and one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world is the ancient city of Varanasi on the banks of the sacred Ganges.

A visit to Varanasi is quite an experience as Hindus believe that dying here releases you from the cycle of death and rebirth and that cremation along the sacred river is very auspicious for Hindus and a unique and unforgettable sight for tourists.

There is also a night Ganga Aarti ceremony that tourists are welcome to attend and take a boat ride along the sacred Ganges at sunrise when the whole place is bathed in magical glow and dew and you can see all the rituals of life. and death, played out along the riverbank.
Varanasi is another city that can be an assault on the senses, but it's a must-see for an Indian experience, and you can easily add Varanasi to a Golden Triangle tour.

Sunset over the Lake palaces in Udaipur, Rajasthan


The desert state of Rajasthan shows India in its most colorful and extravagant form. Rajasthan, the land of the Maharajas, is steeped in history, ancient forts and extravagant palaces.

Rajasthan contains many of the most popular spots in India filled with colorful towns, bazaars and tourist spots. Known as 'The Pink City', Jaipur is more than just a gateway to this intoxicating state, Jaipur is home to the Hawa Mahal complex, the majestic Amer Fort, the City Palace and much more.

The Blue City of Jodhpur with its mighty Mehrangarh Fort is also in Reichwe
There is so much to see in Rajasthan that it can be difficult to fit it all together! You can see all the highlights in one Rajasthan tour, or why not combine all the sights of North India with a Rajasthan, Taj and Ganges tour.

Houseboats on the Kerala backwaters


The laid-back and lush tropical state of Kerala, known as "God's Country" in India's far south, is one of the most relaxing places in India. A complete contrast to the busy north of India, Kerala is the perfect place to unwind.

Kerala is famous for its beautiful and lazy backwaters and they are one of the must-see places in India. No visit to Kerala is complete without cruising the backwaters on a traditional rice barge known as a kettuvallam, which has been converted into a luxury houseboat. Watching local life go on along the riverbank under the gently swaying palm trees while eating a fragrant fish curry is pure bliss. Kerala also offers rainforests, wildlife sanctuaries, spice plantations, hill stations, tea plantations and beautiful beaches and the opportunity to experience a much more relaxed Indian pace of life.

Since Kerala is one of the most relaxed places in India, it is a perfect and easy introduction to India. You can enter the country by first exploring laid-back Kerala and then flying to northern India.

Colourful prayer flags and the snow capped Himalayas

The Indian Himalayas

If you're more of a mountain person and looking to escape the heat, there are still plenty of places to visit in India that you'll love! There is really something special about the majestic Indian Himalayas and it is not only the fresh air and breathtaking mountain views, you can also visit spectacularly colorful Buddhist monasteries and taste the tranquil and beautiful Tibetan culture.

Some of the top mountainous destinations in India are Himachal Pradesh and Dharamshala, home of the Dalai Lama, Leh and Ladakh, home to ancient palaces, monasteries and surreal landscapes on the Tibetan Plateau, and Darjeeling and Sikkim with its world-famous tea plantations and stunning, colorful gardens Tibetan monasteries.

Sunset at the gorgeous Golden Temple in Amritsar

Of course it would be difficult to visit all of these places in India in one trip and there are hundreds of other places to see in India, most notably the amazing Golden Temple in Amritsar which you can easily combine with a trip to Himachal Pradesh. . and the beaches of Goa are also one of the most popular holiday destinations in India. With so much to see, it would take a lifetime to see everything this incredible country has to offer. That's why many people keep coming back, but these are perfect destinations for your first trip to India.

How to plan the perfect Indian vacation

While I think India is one of the most amazing travel destinations in the world, I'm also the first to admit that a trip to India can be culture shock and challenging for even the most seasoned traveler and planning your first trip to India can be difficult be. . seem like a daunting task. To help you I have prepared a comprehensive step by step guide to prepare you for your first trip to India.

Don't worry, it gets easier once you get used to the country, but if you want to experience everything this amazing country has to offer without the hassle, hire an experienced and reputable travel agent, especially for first-time visitors as an Shri Balaji holidays handles all your travel arrangements and can ensure your vacation is smooth and memorable for all the right reasons.
This post is kindly sponsored by SHRI BALAJI HOLIDAYS, a leading National Tourism Award winning Tour Operator and Travel Agency recognized by the Government of India's Department of Tourism, serving satisfied customers for over 25 years. IHPL offers expertly designed itineraries for short breaks and inclusive tours throughout India. They also customize or arrange personalized tours based on your specific interests and requirements for the perfect Indian vacation!

Start planning your holiday in India by checking out the website SHRI BALAJI HOLIDAYS which even has a special section for beginners.

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